Month: May 2021
- In pursuance of the decision of Government of Pakistan, National Command & Operation (NCOC) vide letter No. 801/A/NCOC-01 dated 29th May 2021, NUST Baluchistan Campus (NBC) has decided to re-open the university w.e.f 01 June 2021 with strict observation of SOPS of COVID-19.
- All NBC Hostelite students are instructed to join campus e.f 01 June 2021, considering average travel time there will be no classes on 1st & 2nd June 2021. Academic session will commence w.e.f 03 June 2021 on FTF mode with 50% student capacity. Students are divided in two groups, Group 1 will take session from Thursday till Saturday and Group 2 will take session from Monday onwards. Academic Schedule & List of Students for Group 1 & 2 is attached.
- All students will join university as per schedule provided below;
Batch | Group | Date | Province | |
From | To | |||
UGCS & UGCE 2k19 | Group 1 | 01 June 2021 | 03 June 2021 | Punjab (Hostelites) & Day Scholars |
Group 2 | 01 June 2021 | 06 June 2021 | KPK/GB/AJK/BAL & Sindh (Hostelites) | |
UGCS & UGCE 2k20 | Group 1 | 03 June 2021 | – | Day Scholars |
Group 2 | 01 June 2021 | 06 June 2021 | All Provinces (Hostelite) |
- All Hostelite students are instructed to inform their respective hostel managers about their arrival and must bring along hostel fee deposit slip. Only students who have submitted their hostel dues will be allowed to join hostel.
- Methodologya. Class room’s occupation be restricted to maximum of 50% of its standard capacity.
b. Labs of each subject will be conducted with a maximum class size of 25.
c. All assessments including ESE will be carried out in FTF. Student not available to appear in exams in FTF mode, will be awarded “I” grade. - Arrival Procedure: All Hostelite students will report at university main gate after informing Hostel Officials about their arrival date and timing. A disinfection procedure of the luggage will be followed with other required precautionary measures. Students must wear mask on arrival and follow all required preventive measures i.e maintaining a safe distance and avoid physical contact.
- Additional Precautionary Measures: Any student having temperature or other COVID-19 like symptoms will be immediately shifted to Quarantine side rooms in respective hostel and if needed be shifted to the any of the Main Quarantine rooms in hostels.
Safety Guidelines & SoPs DURING COVID-19
a. Wear a mask at all times when in a public space on campus.
Maintain social/ physical distancing of 6 feet in classrooms, laboratories, libraries, cafeterias, offices, corridors, staircases, and lifts.
b. Maintain good hygiene practices. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or use a hand sanitizer, dry the hands before leaving the bathroom. Use a tissue (and dispose it properly) or the crook of your elbow when coughing or sneezing.
c. Use only the designated entrances and exits.
d. Review latest updates and general guidance provided by the University on the web portal or on CMS.
e. Use communal facilities, e.g., kitchens, canteens, meeting rooms, printers and photocopiers only in accordance with the designated protocols.
f. Maintain and update a Daily Contacts Diary: you must keep a record of where you go, when, and who you see while on campus.
g. Limit your movements. Try not to move around the campus too much. Stick to your own space as much as possible.
2. Individual Precautions. Students to strictly abide the following preventive measures: –
a. Using alcohol-based (70 percent) sanitizer at entry points in Hostels.
b. Covering cough or sneeze with tissue or a shoulder or elbow.
c. Repeated and diligent hand washing at least 20 seconds after every hour.
d. Door / Cupboard handles, Laptops, Cell Phones, etc must be disinfected repeatedly.
e. If any Student residing in the hostel starts feeling unwell or any symptoms leading to COVID-19, then he / she be immediately shifted to Quarantine side rooms in respective hostel and if needed be shifted to the any of the Main Quarantine rooms in hostels.
1: Taking in consideration the second wave of COVID-19 Pandemic, the continuation of Academic session on DL mode is deliberated and finalized. Objective is to ensure safety of students and prevent/reduce the impact of COVID-19 Pandemic.
2: Academic session on DL will continue w.e.f 24 May 2021 till 28 May 2021. The Academic schedule (w.e.f 17 May 2021) will also continue to be applied for this duration.
3: The re-opening of NBC and continuation of Academic session on FTF mode will be decided in next week, students must stay prepared for re-opening of campus and joining hostels.